Sunday, January 10, 2010

Relock and Reload (or Why Do I Always Seem to Revamp My Life After Hangovers?)

I'm starting over with this blog.

It came to me after reading What Claudia Wore intermittently all weekend ("But Dominique," you might say, "it's only 2:30 in the afternoon on Sunday." To which I would explain that my weekend started Wednesday night, when I got back to my apartment after a very interesting Christmas break with my family. Also, because shut up) that I would love to be one of those cool blogging people with their crazy blogging stories and whatnot. And then I realized that I had a blog, but most of the posts were kinda angry and bitchy in tone. Plus it was "opinions only hurr" which I quite frankly suck at. Yeah, I get a little squicked over the navel-gazing of the personal blog sometimes, but man do I love to talk about myself! (just like everyone else on the internet.)

So here I am, re-introducing you to my life, o humble reader who may not even exist. I don't really have a catchy schtick or anything, but I do like to think I have a wry outlook that gets me through a lot - which is great in my life.

The Cast (of my life, yeah, I know, don't judge me):

Dominique - this is me, starring role, ta-da! Twenty-one, sometimes college student who is currently not in school because of some runaround with the Receivables department at Alabama. Looking for a job, likes to knit, likes to write (le duh), sing, music (om nom nom), the usual. I also like to live above my means, which sometimes gets me into trooouuuuble. Right now I am just trying to get through with a few luxuries (I had to forgo lamb at the grocery store and my face looked like this: ;_;), most of which are hand-knitted by yours truly. I have a weakness for Jack Daniels (don't we all), Noro yarns, Riesling, Ella Fitzgerald, and books. omg books. My room is full of them, which sucks when you don't have a bookshelf to put them in quite yet. Also have a weakness for my adorably crazy boyfriend.

Which leads me to the supporting cast.

Matt - aforementioned adorably crazy boyfriend. He's actually really good at being the level-headed rationale to my crazy babblings and emotional outbursts (I'm working on it). Really funny, really cute, makes me really happy. To give you an idea of what our relationship is like, for Christmas he gave me a Catwoman comic that I had not previously read (I'm a DC comic book junkie, and I ell oh vee ee LOVE Catwoman. She's been my superstar heroine/idol since I saw Michelle Pfeiffer do her up with style in Batman Returns at the tender age of four). I gave him a laser-guided NERF gun with suction darts. Matt and Dom: clearly the couple everyone wants to be. He makes silly faces all the time, too, which my roomie/biff adores. He's an actor, double-majoring in theater and psychology. (Yeah, puts my solo English major to shame.) In short: best boyfriend ever.

Danie - Roomie #1 and one of my closest friends here. Danie is supertinyomg and super-adorable. She looks a lot like Audrey Hepburn and Natalie Portman. Danie is so slim she gives solid-size-4 me a complex when we stand next to each other in front of a mirror. Yeah. Also an English major, also a poet. She has an unhealthy love for lolcats, but who doesn't? Besides, it's adorable when she comes in my room asking for noms. Danie doesn't know how to cook anything more complex than canned soup. It's really fun watching her make mac and cheese. (I've tried to stop intervening.) I introduced her to Pizza Rolls and she thinks they are the food of the gods. She's hipster but so aware; she used to be the picture of Southern Belle du Jour (born and raised in Georgia) but has given up pageants and sororities for skinny jeans and scarves. We are fashion junkies of the worst kind.

Ward - Danie's boyfriend. I actually met Ward first, but since Danie and I are cosmic soul twins, she kind of took over my life via osmosis. Ward's a writer and English major, like everybody I know zomg I am in English major hell. (AKA Morgan Hall.) He's funny and weird; rides a bike everywhere; tries to get Danie into biking, but whenever the subject comes up Danie makes the scared pouty Danie face and it drops. He knows all sorts of random shit that may or may not actually be useful but is hella fun.

Josh - Roomie #2 and the guy I share a bathroom with. Josh says shit that makes you think "that is not right and I am going to hell for laughing at this" but dear god is it funny. One time our apartment complex left us a note for leaving the trash on the front walkway and Josh wrote a response on the back of it. It was so wrong (made reference to "Jew gold") but Danie and I fucking howled. We still recite it to each other when we're in a good mood. Josh is attractive and knows it.

Scott - Roomie #3, shares a bathroom with Danie. Scott is gay and omg if you can't tell it is time to replace your brain with one that wasn't handed to you by Igor that morning. He's in the marching band, which is no small feat especially when you go to Alabama. Hipster-fab cranked up to eleven. He's sarcastic and bitchy and it works. Is also completely in lust with Josh - the not-so-secret of our living arrangements.

Tifarah - Tiff and I have been best friends forfuckingever since we were twelve and suffering through middle school gym. (That means we'll have known each other ten years this fall oh jesus I am getting old.) I cannot find words to describe Tifarah because I know her so well. She's blunt and has never minced words or fucked around with someone's head. Everyone knows exactly where they stand with her. She loooooves horror movies (and Twilight, yeah, I don't know) and scary stories. What's funny is that she's really jumpy, so post-horror movie is usually hilarious in an unintentional way. She and I sometimes are not allowed next to each other in movie theaters because we will Mystery Science Theater all over that shit. I'm pretty sure that Tifarah has more knitted stuff from me than anyone else because omg she LOVES it. She knits too, but not like I knit (I don't know anyone who knits like I do except maybe Colleen, my young aunt). She's planning on an apartment in New York with me one day, which sounds great but I don't know what I'll do. Lives in my hometown of San Antonio, which is sad because I don't get to see her often but she's such a visible presence in my life that it doesn't really matter.

Pablo - Is the leader of the "living above our means" movement in my life. Pablo and I like the finer things in life; unfortunately we can't afford most of them. We think we should be trust fund babies. Pablo loves suits like some boys love jeans. He's a ladies' man extraordinaire (I'm a flirt; we balance each other out). An example of me and Pablo: he drove over to Alabama from San Antonio for a masquerade ball I was planning. It went off fabulously and Pablo and I stole the show. He's all European intellectual, philosopher, Napoleon-lover (we both adore the name Josephine), adorer of art (real art, not most modern art), jack of all trades.

Trey - Close friend who is hipster MAX. Oh god, there are not words for how hipster Trey is. Yet somehow I overlook it, mostly because he's funny and always has something to say. Trey's like Awkward McAnxietypants, but it's sweet, really. He and I got each other through tough times in our lives and have since bonded. I keep saying that he's like the socially awkward little brother I never had (my real little brother is pretty cool and chill).

Whitney - Another one of my good friends. Funny enough, she's actually known Matt much longer, but Whitney and I get along so well (I sense a trend). She's such an alcoholic that it hurts, but somehow it's okay because it's Whitney. She crochets and dabbles in knitting, so we share crafty stuff together. We usually hang out with all the guys, even though she and Maggie and I want some time to ourselves.

Maggie - Awesome McAwesomesauce. We don't hang out as much as I'd like but hopefully we will switch that up.

Bryan, Jarrett, Robert, Paul - friendses who have the awesomes. I would describe them in length but I am exhausted and you are probably thinking, "holy shit, this post is long, does she ever shut up?"

There's a lot more, but as mentioned: exhausted. Plus I'm still recovering from a messy drunk night (one of those nights where you drag yourself across the floor when you arrive at your place at 3 am shouting, "I'M SUCH A WHOOOOOOOORE...!" Every time this happens, I tell myself I won't do it again, and then a few months later I'm ordering McDonald's in an attempt to appease my stomach), so I want some time to just me, thank you, to knit or watch TV or both. I have a lace scarf that needs work and a lampshade to start (long story, will explain later).

Okay. I feel better already about this. Let's go.

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